Thursday, February 04, 2010

New Media Breakfast Re-launch in Edinburgh with Winning Entrepreneurs

We are pleased to announce the re-launch of the New Media Breakfast Edinburgh. The resounding success of these breakfast meetings has led us to rethink how we manage and run them in the future and we decided that these would run far more efficiently with a local partner in each city (New Media Breakfasts are now in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Inverness starts on 18th February), we are please to announce that Winning Entrepreneurs will be our partner in all furure Edinburgh breakfasts. This first event starts with registration at 7:45am and will finish at 10:15am. 3 topics will be covered with a 15 minute break at 9am.

As some of you are aware, Pocastmatters ran 2 of these events at the end of last year therefore the first 2 topics covered will re-visit the presentations given previously. If you attended these and a re-cap of those topics is relevant to you then please arrive for registration at 9am. Following on from the presentation, there will be a Q and A session and the opportunity to network with fellow attendees. Each New Media breakfast will feature specific areas of new media and will demonstrate via live examples how commercial businesses and non-profit organisations are using these to market themselves to raise brand awareness, increase brand loyalty and improve customer relationships.


New or Social Media is on everyone’s lips, we hear references to Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In and other new media tools on a daily basis but, do we really understand them or know what they do?

Topics covered include:

• Social networking
• Facebook, Bebo, MySpace etc.
• Niche networking
• B2B, B2C and Non-Profit
• Podcasting, RSS and iTunes - Audio and Video
• Viral video and video syndication
• YouTube, Viddler, Facebook, iTunes etc
• Blogging
• Micro blogging - Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook Status Updates etc.
• Live broadcasting - Audio and Video
• Virtual Worlds
• Social Bookmarking and Tagging

We will look at examples of how some of our clients are using Niche Networks to engage and communicate with existing and potential customers.

This will include B2B, B2C and Non-Profit organisations. We will look at open and closed networks and the ways that companies are growing their communities.

Exploring the issues surrounding employee access and the use of social media as a communication tool. What are the potential pitfalls if they do? There is no right or wrong answer to this; many factors will influence whether or not it is right for your business. With this in mind, we will explore the topic in order to help you make a more informed decision about allowing access and the use of social media in your business.

• Does enabling social networks in the workplace adversely affect productivity?
• What are the options if I do allow staff to use social networks?
• Are guidelines available?
• What are other organisations doing?
• What are the potential risks and rewards?
• Will it fit with other marketing activities?
• What does it cost?
• What are the common mistakes?
• Can you keep your brand off social media?

To view this event on Connect, please visit Winning Entrepreneurs New Media Breakfast

Future New Media Breakfasts will take place on a monthly basis and there will be 1 topic covered, they will start at 8am and finish at 9:30am. I hope you will be able to join us for what will be an informative and participative breakfast and if you have any queries in the meantime then please contact Belinda Roberts

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